Analysing global revenue opportunities for cyber security companies.

The 300

300 seconds of audio content

Synergy Six insights of what's going on in the cyber security world from your host and Chief Analyst Kevin Bailey.


Listen to our insights about numbers that are making headlines. Are they valid or just soundbites without context.

Numbers make headlines, but are worthless without context. Listen to our insights covering market opportunity, market share, data breach costs, pricing, ROI, TCO and others items where we can get our abacus in overdrive.


Sustainable success only comes if you plan and operate with strong foundations and ongoing measurements.

Nothing will ever be sustainable if you do not plan with strong foundations and ongoing measurements to identify intended success or unexpected failures. Listen as we provide ways to build for and sustain success.

Skunk Works

Cyber security and data protection have an abundance of categories and regulations. What's the latest, greatest and less than inspiring.


What are the stories that have or should be shared. Why should you care and where should you be paying attention.

When you have a break, click and listen to one of our episodes below, it's that simple.


Is cybersecurity a bottomless pit of market opportunity or a sink hole of wasted budget and missed revenue?


Are your foundations underpinned using NCSCs guidance or are you one of the two unfortunate three little pigs.

Skunk Works

Did you know strategic threat intelligence involves P’s?


Audio that discusses if you should pay or not pay a ransom demand

The Ransomware Dilemma: 

Should I pay or not pay?

Contact us to benefit from:

  1. Analyst focus for your desired revenue objectives.
  2. Find your most appropriate markets for profit potential.
  3. Create new USPs and engagement activities to stand out.
  4. Integrated routes to a successful GTM solution.

Let's engage for more revenue
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